General information

This text provides general information about a website called according to the LSSI-CE (Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce). The website is owned by an undisclosed individual or entity with a tax identification number (NIF).

The contact information for the website includes a physical address in Valencia, Spain, and an email address for communication. The text also mentions two relevant regulations: the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which unifies the treatment of personal data in the EU, and the LOPD (Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data and its Development Regulation) which governs the treatment of personal data and the responsibilities of website owners or bloggers in managing this information. Overall, the text outlines the ownership and contact details of the website and highlights the regulatory frameworks relevant to the handling of personal data.

General Terms and Conditions

As a user of our website, you have certain obligations:

You are not allowed to use this website for activities that are against the law, morality, public order, or the conditions established in this Legal Notice.

You cannot engage in advertising or commercial activities by sending messages using a fake identity.

You are solely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the content you upload to this website and the personal data you provide us with, according to the purposes stated in our Privacy Policy.

You are also solely responsible for any illicit actions, infringement of rights, harm, and/or damage caused on third-party websites to which you may be directed from this website for our activities.

As the website owner, we may interrupt the service of any page being used by the user and immediately terminate the relationship if we detect any use of the website or any of the offered services that goes against what is stated in this Legal Notice.

Intellectual and industrial property

The entirety of this website (text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents) is protected by the laws in force on Intellectual and Industrial Property, being prohibited its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, except for personal and private use.

We do not guarantee that the contents are accurate or free of error or that the free use of the same by users does not infringe the rights of third parties. The good or bad use of this site and its contents is the responsibility of the user.

Likewise, it is forbidden to reproduce, retransmit, copy, transfer or rebroadcast, in whole or in part, the information contained in the page, whatever its purpose and the means used for it, without prior authorization from the team.

Links or links

This website includes links to third party sites. The pages belonging to these third parties have not been reviewed and are not subject to controls by us, so hometurapartments can not be held responsible for the contents of these websites, nor for the measures taken regarding your privacy or the treatment of your personal data or others that may arise.

For all these reasons, we recommend you to read carefully the terms and conditions of use of